Creative Finland is a media and network offering an insight into Finland’s creative economy

About us

Creative Finland supports the growth of Finland’s creative economy through networking and communicating. We offer the latest insight of the creative economy by highlighting news, phenomena and people, covering the creative industries in Finland.

We operate in strategic cooperation with Business Finland, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Nationwide Networking

Part of our work is to gather the actors of the creative economy together. We coordinate networks that increase dialogue between Finnish regions and strengthen the strategic development of the creative economy. The goal is that in regional development, the creative economy is more clearly identified as a part of the renewable economy.

An important part of our networking is to create discussion of joint strategies within different creative industries for them to join forces and to learn from each other. We promote growth by integrating creative know-how into all business areas. Business in the creative industries supports innovation in other sectors, such as new service concepts, customer understanding, sustainable growth, and creating products and brands.

Our Finnish site consists of daily news and stories of growth, innovation and internationalisation in the Finnish creative industries. All the current events and grants can be found on our calendar, and the Tool kit includes newest reports, organisations contact list and other useful information for the Finnish developers of creative industries.

Anu-Katriina Perttunen

Chief Networking Officer
anu-katriina.perttunen (a)

Laura Laitinen

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